Digital Advertising Tips

Digital Advertising Tips 

If you are planning to advertise in a digital world, you might find you don’t know where to start. Why not? Because the world of digital advertising is overrun with cheaply made contents, too many metrics applied to SEO, and as a beginner it gets overwhelming. In order to cut through all that is out there, you can follow these easy digital advertising tips.

ROI Matters

The first thing you want to do is focus on your ROI. One of the biggest mistakes that people make especially when they’re first starting out with digital advertising is to focus on the appeal of the ad and not the results they get because of those ads. You need to make sure you use the right metric so that you can look at the conversion rates and understand how a given advertisement is performing. Any advertisements that you support or integrate on your website or your blog need to be successful and that success is measured directly through how much money they bring back in exchange for the money you put in. 

Other important metrics include:

  • Tracking things like CPC, CPM, views, and CPA.
  • Verifying your conversion rates especially with things like Google ads so that you can see how a certain digital advertisement has performed
  • Keeping tabs on things like downloads, form filling out, email sign ups, and sales as they relate to digital advertising attempts

Find the Audience

Your audience matters. When you are advertising you need to remember that not every campaign is going to work for every person. If you are trying to sell food, someone might not be interested in food if they just ate. They are only going to be interested in food if they are hungry. Now imagine that 95% of the people to whom you are trying to advertise are not hungry, they just ate. So now you have to find a way to come at it with different ads that can educate and Inspire the people who just ate and aren’t yet hungry. This is going to be a different ad for a different audience and yet you can still use it as an effective opportunity to market your food in a digital fashion while keeping an already satiated audience engaged. 

web marketing

Create Videos

There is a lot of content out there and ads come in all different shapes and sizes but video ads are going to be one of your most successful potential revenue streams especially given the recent policy changes to companies like YouTube. In the past, YouTube would only monetize by way of putting advertisements on different videos if the individual owner gave their permission and wanted to take part in the profit potential.  YouTube has recently changed the rules so that advertisements can be integrated into every video regardless of whether the video owner gave permission. This means there will be a much bigger industry and demand for digital advertisements in video form, and you need to get on board.

Ads on Your Personal Blog

Online ads are a great way to capitalize on your blog and its monetary potential. Online ads are very lucrative and can be utilized through a multitude of resources such as affiliate ads from companies like Amazon, or direct ads that target keywords from Google, or ad campaigns from social media like Facebook. With these online ads linked to your personal blog, people will be able to read your blog on a mobile device, and then click on the advertisements for other companies directly from your blog.

Use Landing Pages

You can also use landing pages for your company. You might not have anything more than just a personal blog at this time but that doesn’t mean you can’t expand and create a website for the sole purpose of conversion, digital advertising, and links back to your personal ad. If you have a company website then you need to consider your landing page just as the prime spot for digital advertising. Think of that first page as a device used to convert website visitors into customers and to do that you need to keep the interface very simple, integrate very simple call to action buttons, add elements of videos as well as things that inform and inspire. Why? So those people who are full and have just had a meal still want to learn more about the food you offer. Remember that you’re going to have to target different audiences but optimizing any landing pages you have on your website will go a long way toward offering a range of different digital advertising aolutions for different audiences.