PubGalaxy PubGalaxy

Ad revenue data and analytics

Ad Revenue Optimization

Grow your revenues by leveraging data from Prebid and your entire demand stack

Created by Publishers, for Publishers

Don’t waste weeks in aggregating monetization data
Single dashboard for GAM+Prebid+GA data

Increase revenue by knowing where highest CPMs comes from
Buyer and ad unit performance drill down at a glance

Optimize Header bidding performance in a data-driven way
View granular bidder performance metrics and optimize based on data

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Explore platform features
Explore Platform Features

Unify data from Google Analytics, Ad Manager, Prebid and other sources and view it in one place

Google AdX revenue

Prebid revenue and bidder performance

Programmatic direct revenue

Revenue from video, affiliate and other ad formats

Link ad revenue to visitors, sessions and pageviews

Increase revenue from Header Bidding based on bidder data

Multiple wrapper load times

Bidder auction participation rate

Bidder CPM and win rates

Bidder incremental value

Understand where revenue comes from and optimize for performance

Find top and bottom performers

  • Buyers
  • DSPs
  • Exchanges
  • Ad Units
  • Geos
  • Header bidding demand partners
  • Prebid wrapper settings

Set unique floors for select buyers

Use insights to close more PMP deals at optimal prices

Track your earnings per 1000 pageviews (pRPM) precisely, broken by:



Ad Unit


Trusted by 300+ publishers worldwide

Trusted by 300+ Publishers Worlwide
Tim Mueller

Pubgalaxy is very knowledgable in the programmatic ad space and is the ideal partner for a publisher like Dealnews to manage our programmatic advertising. With our previous agency, we were not seeing revenue from our ad inventory increase and they did not have clear answers or a strategy for helping to make revenue increase. The Pubgalaxy team is upfront, organized, knowledgable and provides great service. They have helped increase our programmatic ad revenue by several percentage points.


Our PubGalaxy team has proven to be knowledgeable, responsive and supportive. The team has demonstrated success by being attentive, listening to and meeting our challenges. If you are looking to build a long term partnership, we can’t recommend PubGalaxy enough.

Ranjit Bhatta

Before using PubGalaxy, we used to spend a lot of time on ad monetization. PubGalaxy has taken all the monetization process on their hands, allowing us to focus on what we do best — creating good content while generating much more revenue in the process. Moreover, if we encounter any ad related issues, we can always expect quick, reliable communication.

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  • Select your website's monthly pageviews